Foundations of the Bible: Volume 1

We are busy finishing the final volume to complete the Foundations of the Bible Collection. Here are some more details about the study and how you can support the efforts.
What is volume 1 about?

This 24-lesson study covers all the important information from the creation account to the Law of Moses. It basically will cover (in detail) Genesis, Exodus, and the appointed feasts in Leviticus.

Here are some of the many topics we will cover:

  • The six days of Creation

  • Noah, his family, and the Flood

  • The Tower of Babel

  • The life of Abraham and God's covenant with him

  • The life of Ishmael & Isaac

  • The life of Jacob and his 12 sons who make up the 12 tribes of Israel

  • The life of Joseph

  • The life of Moses and Aaron

  • The Ten Plagues

  • The appointed feasts for Israel

  • The elements of the Tabernacle

  • ... and more!

This volume pairs with Classical Conversations Cycle 1 optional Bible memory work. I will be creating songs like the other two volumes to help you memorize the memory work.

If you are not in Classical Conversations, you can still absolutely use this study! It is for any family who wants to understand the history and context of the Bible in a deeper way.

When will it be available to order?

Pre-orders will open Wednesday, June 5th!

Video explaining the study:


How can you support?
Here are 3 simple ways...

1. Pray! Pray for wisdom and understanding so that I can share about God's Word accurately and concisely. Pray for guidance and protection over my time so that I can finish this study on time. I want to make sure God's Word is being shared truthfully and accurately.

2. Share about this resource with your CC Communities, friends, and family so they can plan ahead.

3. Shop during the pre-order. As a small shop, we need pre-orders to be able to buy a large quantity of inventory at once. Your pre-orders allow us to see the demand and make sure we order enough books for you all.

We hope you are as excited for the study as we are. We are so grateful for your support as we work hard to get this study completed! You can sign up for our emails to make sure you don't miss the launch!