In this recap, I am going to share what we did at home for more hands-on learning related to Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 11: Bible, History, Geography, and Science memory work. I will also share my tutor plans and library books.
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Resources: Foundations of the Bible vol. 1 | Free Sample
This week, we learned about Jacob and Esau. Their story is one of sibling rivalry, deceit, hatred, and forgiveness. Each parent had a favorite child, causing an interesting family dynamic. The Lord chose Jacob to be the one through whom the nation of Israel would be established.

Note: This study pairs with each week of the CC optional Bible memory work, but you can go at your own pace because there is SO much to learn. You can also jump in at any time. Anyone can do this study, not just CC families. Learn more about the Foundations collection here.
Resources: Story of the World Book Cycle 1 (Match Up List) | Story of the World Series | Real Cool History for Kids Podcast — Chronological episode guide here
Activity: Color scribblers page, make mosaics, kids write laws for the household
This week, we learned about Emperor Constantine and the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Constantine was the first Christian emperor who made Christianity legal. Prior to him, the persecution of Christians was severe. We read SOTW and the kids made mosaics, which was a popular art form during the Byzantine Empire. Another fun idea for history is to have the kids make up a legal code for the whole house. Everyone needs to abide by the laws.

Resources: Learning with Friends Year 1 Bundle (code GRACEFRIENDS for 10% off) | CC Connected Sandbox File | Kim Vieley Science Cards | Trifold Print outs
Activity: Flower dissection, make mosaic flowers
We observed the parts of a flower and sang the memory work to the tune Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Community day covered dissecting a flower, so we just observed the parts at home. I also connected science and history together by having the kids make a mosaic flower.

Resources: Trace black line maps from CC sandbox | Drawing Africa | Keppel Trifold Maps on CC Connected
Activity: Trace maps daily, Make Bolognese recipe (Crockpot Recipes)
This week, we learned about the Byzantine Empire. I made a Bolognese sauce for our recipe. We sang the memory work to the tune of Jingle Bells. I love the places we are learning about this week because apostle Paul visited many of them! He wrote Ephesians for Ephesus, Romans for Rome, he preached in Athens, and he set off for his missionary journeys from his home church in Antioch! Antioch is also where believers were first called Christians (Acts 11:26).

Here are some books that relate to this week’s memory work.
- Paul Writes a Letter by Chris Raschka (Geography)
- The World of the First Christians by Mark Olson (History/Geography)
- Isaac Blesses Jacob and Esau by Arch Books (Bible)
- Why do plants have flowers? by Celeste Bishop (Science)
- Flowers are Calling by Rita Gray (Science)
- Flowers Bloom! by Mary Dodson Wade (Science)
- Bloom Boom! by April Pulley Sayre (Science)

How to Make a Tutor Board | Week 11 Tutor Plans | Blank Tutor Template |
Here is my tutor board for week 11.

I created my first YouTube channel to record all the songs and hand motions I want to use with the kids. I've compiled each subject's songs into a weekly playlist. I create this primarily to help the parents in my class review the motions with their kids at home. This is a great resource for other tutors to use to build their plans for the week.

Here's a look at what we plan on doing for Week 12.

Hope you have a great week!
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