Classical Conversations Cycle 3: Week 17 Recap

Classical Conversations Cycle 3: Week 17 Recap


In this recap, I am going to share what we did at home for more hands-on learning related to Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Week 17: Bible, History, Geography, and Science memory work. I will also link our favorite picture books and share my tutor board.

Let's dive right into what we did for Week 17! 

Resource: Foundations of the Bible vol.3  |  Bible Memory Songs  |  Hymnology Cards
For week 17, we learned more about God’s New Covenant with man.
We discussed how:
  • Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for sin.
  • All who believe in Jesus receive eternal life.
  • The Holy Spirit lives within all believers.

Ps. I took my kids' activity books to Staples to get the spines cut off and spiral bound. This has made it so much easier for them to work in and it cost $5 for each study. I am also switching the books to be spiral bound for future :) 

Note: This study pairs with each week of the CC optional Bible memory work, but you can go at your own pace because there is SO much to learn. You can also jump in at any time — it’s not too late. Anyone can do this study, not just CC families. Learn more about the Foundations collection here.


Resource: Story of the World Book (Match Up List) | Story of the World Series | Real Cool History for Kids Podcast
Activity: Color the suffrage blue bird from CC Connected |  Draw a Suffragette (Video)

This week we learned about the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote. We read several picture books to learn more about suffragists. The kids colored the suffragist bluebird pin in the CC Sandbox file. If you have a child that loves to draw, then you can try drawing a suffragette with the video linked above.


Resources: Learning with Friends Year 3 Bundle |  CC Connected Sandbox File
Activity: My Colorful Chemistry Notebook Activities on CC Connected | Learning with Friends Chemical Reaction | Element Flash Cards

This week’s science was a hit. We did the experiment from Learning with Friends’ Chemistry unit to make a chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide, soap, and yeast. I love the simplicity of their activities and the quick prep. Kids were thrilled with this experiment.

The resources I am using for chemistry are the Learning with Friends Chemistry unit and the CC Colorful Chemistry PDF.

TIP: To find the "My Colorful Chemistry Notebook," log in to CC Connected. Then, tap on "Learning Center" >> then Scribblers tab at the top >> then select week 1 >> and a bunch of files will show and select the My Colorful Chemistry Notebook. 


Resources: CC Sandbox Geography page |  Drawing the USA Natural Wonders  
Activity: Draw rivers on free USA natural wonders map

We started filling out our large map to draw all the natural wonders of the USA. We mapped our rivers this week and the mountains from prior weeks. It’s really helpful to map the natural wonders with the states’ borders visible. That's why I like this large map. I've linked the book and map. 

Library Books:

Here are some books we enjoyed this week:

Additional books that I didn't get to read but look like great options! I grabbed a few off Thrift Books for a great price!


Tutoring: How to Make a Tutor Board

Here's my tutor board for week 17.

Tutor Plans:

Here is what I did with my class of 8-9 year olds. 

Math: Sing the geometry song while doing “mathercise.” (jumping jacks, lunges, etc.)

English: Sing the sentence to the tune BINGO. Each time you sing, skip some of the words at the end like you would in the traditional song.

History: Teach the song and hand motions, and then read the sentence with silly words. Have the kids yell out when you say the wrong word.

Science: Color coordinate number, element, symbol, and mass on your board. Create flashcards for each element and let the kids guess which element it is based on the atomic number, mass, and symbol. Flash cards here

Latin: Teach hand motions and play musical chairs to the Kings Thing song.

Fine Arts: Buy big paintbrushes and use Inside the Lines Lesson for the art project.

Hands on Science: I recommend showing your class the periodic table and highlighting the elements that are used in the experiment (starch and iodine). Starch is made up of C6 H10 O5 — and carbon and oxygen are elements we are memorizing this week. 

YouTube: Week 17 Playlist

I created my first YouTube channel to record all the songs and hand motions I want to use with the kids. I've compiled each subject's songs into a weekly playlist. I create this primarily to help the parents in my class review the motions with their kids at home. I also think this is a great resource for other tutors to use to build their plans for the week. 

    *Please note: Some links are affiliate links which provide a small commission to me at no additional expense to you. I appreciate you shopping through the links to support the efforts behind Driven By Grace — thank you!