Classical Conversations Cycle 3: Week 18 Recap
In this recap, I am going to share what we did at home for more hands-on learning related to Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Week 18: Bible, History, Geography, and Science memory work. I will also link our favorite picture books and share my tutor board.
Let's dive right into what we did for Week 18!
Resource: Foundations of the Bible vol.3 | Bible Memory Songs | Hymnology Cards
For week 18, we learned about the book of Acts. We discussed Jesus’ ascension to Heaven, Pentecost, and the miracles performed by God through the early church. In the coming weeks, we will be going even deeper into the lives of Peter and Paul and their missionary journeys!
Ps. I took my kids' activity books to Staples to get the spines cut off and spiral bound. This has made it so much easier for them to work in and it cost $5 for each study. I am also switching the books to be spiral bound for future :)
Note: This study pairs with each week of the CC optional Bible memory work, but you can go at your own pace because there is SO much to learn. You can also jump in at any time — it’s not too late. Anyone can do this study, not just CC families. Learn more about the Foundations collection here.
Resource: Story of the World Book (Match Up List) | Story of the World Series | Real Cool History for Kids Podcast
Activity: Make a Hawaiian Dinner | Play Battleship
This week, we learned about Pearl Harbor. We read lots of picture books about WWII, and we made loco mocos for dinner since that's a local Hawaiian dish — any excuse for loco moco night!
Here are some podcast episodes related to World War II:
- Episode #87 My Conversation with World War 2 Veteran, Mr. Al Huff
- Episode #85 The Skiing Soldiers
- Episode #32: Fascinating Places from World War 2
- Episode #33: Fascinating Places from World War 2 (Part 2)
Resources: Learning with Friends Year 3 Bundle | CC Connected Sandbox File
Activity: My Colorful Chemistry Notebook Activities on CC Connected | Learning with Friends Chemical Reaction | Element Flash Cards
We finished learning about the third four elements in the periodic table — fluorine, neon, sodium, and magnesium. We tried a Learning with Friends experiment where Epsom salt (magnesium) should grow crystals on a sponge if left in the sun. You should get bigger crystals if it grows slowly in a warm spot in your house. You can also put it in the fridge for 30 min to expedite the process, but I got impatient and did the freezer haha. Not sure if it worked or not.
Hands-on science in community this week is also related to week 18 science. We created a soft water and harder water sample using Epsom salts (magnesium).
I really love the periodic table book I purchased. We read fun facts about each of the elements we were learning about this week. It's a great resource to have!
The resources I am using for chemistry are the Learning with Friends Chemistry unit and the CC Colorful Chemistry PDF.
TIP: To find the "My Colorful Chemistry Notebook," log in to CC Connected. Then, tap on "Learning Center" >> then Scribblers tab at the top >> then select week 1 >> and a bunch of files will show and select the My Colorful Chemistry Notebook.
Resources: CC Sandbox Geography page | Drawing the USA Natural Wonders
Activity: Draw rivers on free USA natural wonders map
We are continuing to fill out our large maps to see where the west rivers flow. It’s so helpful to map the rivers with the states’ borders visible because it shows how the rivers mark each state’s territory.
Library Books:
Here are some books we enjoyed this week:
- Anne Frank by Josephine Poole
- The Cat Who Lived with Anne Frank by David Lee Miller
- The Colorado River by Katie Marsico
- Franklin and Winston: A Christmas that changed the world by Douglas Wood
- Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
- The Story of Salt by Mark Kurlansky
- What was Pearl Harbor? Patricia Demuth
- Who was Anne Frank? by Ann Abramson
- Stephen: God's Courageous Witness by Voice of Martyrs
- Exploring the Elements: A Complete Guide to the Periodic Table by Isabel Thomas
Tutoring: How to Make a Tutor Board
Here’s my tutor board for week 18. I tried to do more red, pink, and purple because we were celebrating Valentine’s at school. My daughter also helped with some of the board.
Tutor Plans:
Here is what I did with my class of 8-9 year olds.
Math: Sing the geometry song while doing “mathercise.” (jumping jacks, lunges, etc.)
English: Sing the sentence to the tune BINGO. Each time you sing, skip some of the words at the end like you would in the traditional song.
History: Teach the song and hand motions, and then read the sentence with silly words. Have the kids yell out when you say the wrong word.
Science: Color coordinate number, element, symbol, and mass on your board. Create flashcards for each element and let the kids guess which element it is based on the atomic number, mass, and symbol. Flash Cards Here
Latin: Teach hand motions and play musical chairs to the Kings Thing song. I have 2 less chairs than there are kids so 2 kids get out each time (makes the game go faster). The first and second place winners get to go first for presentation.
Geography: Sing the song on my YouTube channel and have the kids draw the rivers on their own blackline master maps.
Timeline: Our community enjoys doing the hand motions, so I read the new sentences and then teach all the hand motions. Then we sing and do it all together.
YouTube: Week 18 Playlist
I created my first YouTube channel to record all the songs and hand motions I want to use with the kids. I've compiled each subject's songs into a weekly playlist. I create this primarily to help the parents in my class review the motions with their kids at home. I also think this is a great resource for other tutors to use to build their plans for the week.
*Please note: Some links are affiliate links which provide a small commission to me at no additional expense to you. I appreciate you shopping through the links to support the efforts behind Driven By Grace — thank you!