In this recap, I am going to share what we did at home for more hands-on learning related to Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Week 21: Bible, History, Geography, and Science memory work. I will also link our favorite picture books, my tutor plans, and a preview of my week 22 plans.
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Resource: Foundations of the Bible vol.3 | Bible Memory Songs | Hymnology Cards
For week 21, we learned who Satan is and how he is described in 1 Peter (a roaring lion prowling about and seeking whom he may devour). I remember this being one of the more challenging lessons to write, but it contains important information that all believers should understand about Satan. I particularly love the part where we compare Satan's and Jesus' names. They are complete opposites and reveal their true character and identity — darkness vs. light.
Note: This study pairs with each week of the CC optional Bible memory work, but you can go at your own pace because there is SO much to learn. You can also jump in at any time — it’s not too late. Anyone can do this study, not just CC families. Learn more about the Foundations collection here.

Resources: Story of the World Book (Match Up List) | Story of the World Series | Real Cool History for Kids Podcast
Activity: Interview a Grandparent | Make Astronaut Ice Cream (Meringue Cookies) | Watch Hidden Figures Movie (PG 10+) | RCH Mission Moon Podcast
We learned about the U.S. astronauts' landing on the moon. The kids came up with questions to ask their grandparents about the moon landing. Their grandparents shared where they were when they watched it happen, how they felt, and other fun details. We made meringue cookies for astronaut ice cream. It was super easy to make and resembled the texture of astronaut food.
Our family watched Hidden Figures for movie night. It's about three African American women who worked at NASA in the 1960s. You can read the parental guidelines here before watching as there are a few bad words (damn and hell), but overall, I feel the movie has such a positive message that I didn't mind us watching it together. It is for older kids (10+). The movie touches on segregation, Brown v. Board of Education, the Cold War, and the Space Race. I've seen this movie twice now and really enjoy it. I choke up every time Katherine has to explain her 1/2 mile walk to the bathroom to her boss. It's such a powerful scene!

Resources: Learning with Friends Year 3 Bundle | CC Connected Sandbox File
Activity: Try to create order from random items in a bag by shaking them | Watch Evolution of Whales | Watch Ken Ham’s Speech on Evolution
This week, we learned about the theory of evolution. While we obviously don't believe in this theory, I did discuss the theory with my children so they understand what others believe that's contrary to God's Word. We read some picture books that taught evolution and compared it to God's Word in Genesis 1. We watched the “Walking Whale” video to see how some scientists believe whales evolved. I think it takes more faith to believe a walking land animal evolved into a whale (the largest animal on earth) over millions of years.

Resources: CC Sandbox Geography page | Drawing the USA Natural Wonders
Activity: Color Native American Regions Map (Created by Emily Card on Tutor FB Group) | Make Teepees with paper bags | Make a Native American Dinner
We learned about the different Native American Regions in the USA. There was a great map a CC tutor made and shared in the Tutor Facebook group. I linked it above. For fun, we made teepees out of paper bags.

Here are some books related to the weekly memory work.
- Hidden Figures: the true story of four black women and the space race by Margot Lee Shetterly (History)
- The man who went to the far side of the moon: the story of Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins by Bea Uusma Schyffery (History — didn't get to read this one, but sharing for ideas)
- Native American Night Before Christmas by Gary Robinson (Geography)
- Neil Armstrong by Ma Isabel Sanchez Vegara (History)
- We are the Apollo 11 Crew by Zoe Tucker (History)
- When Planet Earth was New by James Gladstone (Science - Evolution)
- When the Whales Walked by Dougal Dixon (Science - Evolution)
- A Child's Introduction to the Orchestra by Robert Levine (Fine Arts)
How to Make a Tutor Board
Here’s my tutor board for Week 21.

Here is what I did with my class of 8-9 year olds.
Math: Taped the letters and symbols for the Associative Law to magnetic tiles. I colored coded the a's the same color, the b's the same color, etc. There were 15 tiles, so I passed about 2 to each kid. They sang the song, and we built it together. They enjoyed it and asked to keep doing it.
English: Sang the sentence to the tune BINGO. We connected our arms together since a subordinate clause is dependent. Then at the end of the song they all had to fall down.
History: Taught the song and hand motions, and then read the sentence with silly words. I try to make the silly words be the same syllables as the word I am replacing so it sounds similar. I throw a few funny ones in there too.
Science: We sang the memory work to Three Blind Mice. Because it was evolution, I had the kids crawl around the room the first time we sang it. Then they had to get on their knees the second time. The third time they got a little taller, and so forth. We sang it until they were standing fully up right.
Latin: Taught the kids hand motions and played musical chairs to the Kings Thing song. I have 2 less chairs than there are kids so 2 kids get out each time (makes the game go faster). The first and second place winners get to go first for presentation.
Geography: I printed out these maps and had the kids color them in (made by Emily Card on CC Tutor Facebook). I ran out of time to do the puzzle but it's a great option! On CC Connected search "Native American Regions Puzzle by aedembinski"
Timeline: Our community enjoys doing the hand motions, so I read the new sentences and then taught all the hand motions. Then we sing and do it all together.
Hands on Science: We played Probability Pizza Shop and you can download the full instructions and worksheet I made here.

YOUTUBE PLAYLIST: Week 21 Playlist
I created my first YouTube channel to record all the songs and hand motions I want to use with the kids. I've compiled each subject's songs into a weekly playlist. I create this primarily to help the parents in my class review the motions with their kids at home. I also think this is a great resource for other tutors to use to build their plans for the week.
If you are looking for gifts for CC Directors or Tutors, then check out these cute items from my shop! Bags, apparel, and accessories that point to God!

My Plans for Week 22 Activities
Here is what I plan on doing for next week's activities.
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