Classical Conversations Cycle 1: Week 13 Recap

Classical Conversations Cycle 1: Week 13 Recap

In this recap, I am going to share what we did at home for more hands-on learning related to Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 13: Bible, History, Geography, and Science memory work. I will also share my tutor plans and library books.


Resources: Foundations of the Bible vol. 1  | Free Sample

This week, we finished learning about the twelve sons of Israel (Jacob). We learned about the lives of Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. We discussed the prophecy Jacob spoke over each of them at his death and compared how his words were fulfilled through their tribes.

Note: This study pairs with each week of the CC optional Bible memory work, but you can go at your own pace because there is SO much to learn. You can also jump in at any time. Anyone can do this study, not just CC families. Learn more about the Foundations collection here.


Resources: Story of the World Book Cycle 1 (Match Up List) | Story of the World Series | Real Cool History for Kids Podcast  —  Chronological episode guide here
Activity: Color scribblers page, make golden bracelets SOTW Activity Book 

This week, we learned about the Kush (also called Nubians). We read from Story of the World. The kids colored the Scribbler’s coloring page, and then we made gold bracelets out of toilet paper rolls. The kids really enjoyed this simple craft!


Resources: Learning with Friends Year 1 Bundle (code GRACEFRIENDS for 10% off) |  CC Connected Sandbox File | Trifold Printouts
Activity: Geosphere coloring sheet by Driven By Grace

We learned about the geosphere. I made a coloring wheel to help the kids remember what each sphere represents (linked on my blog). They also wrote interesting facts about each sphere under the flaps. I read from the Learning with Friends science unit for more background information. We also watched two helpful videos that are linked on my coloring sheet.


Resources: Trace black line maps from CC sandbox | Drawing Africa | Keppel Trifold Maps on CC Connected
Activity: Trace maps daily, Make Week 13 Crockpot Recipe, or make Nigerian Meat Pies

We learned about Western Africa and sang this week’s memory work to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” We review our trifold colored maps from CC Connected each day. Our recipe this week was Nigerian Meat Pies. 


Here are some books that relate to this week’s memory work. 

  • Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema (Geography)
  • Africana by Kim Chakanetsa (Geography)
  • The Magic School Bus: inside the earth by Joanna Cole (Science) — Great for Week 14 as well. 
  • Earth: the planet of life by Marci Schuh (Science)
  • Why Mosquitoes buzz in people's ears: a Western African tale by Verna Aardema (Geography)
  • Atlantic by Brian Karas (Geography)
  • The story of paintings: a history of art for children by Mick Manning (Fine Arts)
  • The Twelve Tribes of Israel by GFW Life (Bible)


How to Make a Tutor Board  | Week 13 Tutor Plans | Blank Tutor Template | 

Here is my tutor board for Week 13.


        Week 13 Playlist

        Here is a weekly playlist of all the songs and hand motions I use with my kids. This is a great resource for other tutors to use to build their plans for the week. 


        Here is what we will be doing for Week 14.

        JOIN MY CC EMAIL LIST: If you want to be notified when new recaps are posted and be subscribed to CC specific content, then subscribe to my Classical Conversations email list here.

        Hope you have a great week!



        *Please note: Some links are affiliate links which provide a small commission to me at no additional expense to you. I appreciate you shopping through the links to support the efforts behind Driven By Grace — thank you!