Classical Conversations Cycle 2: Week 11 Recap

Resource: Foundations of the Bible vol.2 

We are still knee-deep into the prophets of the Bible. The kids really love their stories and the interesting facts woven within the study. I love seeing which things catch their attention, like Isaiah being naked and barefoot for 3 years (Isaiah 20).  When you read the prophets, pay attention to the dates each prophet was prophesying. In the study, I've provided the estimated dates it's believed their prophecy was written. When a prophet was preaching judgment to the nation of Israel, check how close it was to 722 BC, when Assyria would destroy the northern kingdom of Israel. If a prophet was speaking to Judah, check how close it was to 586 BC, when Babylon would come and destroy the temple and take everyone into captivity.  

Resource: CC Sandbox + Holy Week study for Adults | Science Flash Cards for CC Weeks 7-12
Activity: CC Sandbox printout + Oreos

This is a super simple craft that the kids always love to do. I just printed out the CC Sandbox moon phases and had the kids make their Oreos match up to the different phases. They love it and it keeps their attention while I read a picture book about the moon. 

A reoccurring theme in every picture book I've checked out lately, is that the scientist don't know how the moon came to be. They theorize that it was some big bang millions or billions of years ago. The kids typically know when I come across something I don't agree with in a book because I pause and grunt before I read, haha. But, I used this week as an opportunity to discuss Genesis 1 and explain that we do know how the moon was made and we know WHY. 

I pulled out my Holy Week Bible study (which is an in-depth study for adults) and showed them the importance of the moon and how Israel determined their months based on the phases. Specifically for Passover, when it was spring, the first sighting of the new moon determined the 1st day of the month Abib/Nisan. Then, on the 10th day the Jewish people would gather their lambs and inspect them for blemishes. On day 14 (the full moon), they would sacrifice their lambs for Passover. Then, on day 15-21 was the feast of Unleavened Bread. 

God gave the Israelites the lights in the sky for signs and seasons. They needed the moon to determine their months which determined their feast celebrations to the Lord. It's all so interesting, and our science activity turned into a Bible lesson :) 

Resource: Story of the World Book 3 - Chapter 25
Library Books: Stone Soup, You Wouldn't Want to be an Aristocrat in the French Revolution 

We checked out two books from the library that were on the CC Sandbox recommendation. We loved both of them. The French Revolution book was great for the kids' ages and explaining what happened at their level. We also read chapter 25 of Story of the World. The kids drew a picture of what they learned and wrote two sentences in their journals. 


Resources: CC Sandbox Geography page, Animals in Time activity book, LeapFrog Globe
Activity: Beef Stroganoff dinner + facts

We are still dedicating Mondays to Geography, and it's been helpful to have a dedicated day for geography review. The kids color their maps and I call out a location and they have to point to it. The leap frog globe is helpful to explain any interesting facts about a location we are learning. 

Another great idea is to make Beef Stroganoff for dinner, which is a classic Russian dish with French influence. We made this meal coincidentally when we were on week 10 because it's my husband's favorite meal. But I somehow found out it's a traditional Russian dish and was so excited we were eating it the same week we were learning about Russian history. So, add this meal to your rotation for week 11 (or week 10) and taste a traditional Russian cuisine that was made for the wealthy. Here are some facts I read to the kids about the dish over dinner. 

CC Resource Tip:
Fridge Facts Download

I feel super late to the game, but I finally printed out the Fridge Facts from the CC forum. These are great worksheets created by another CC mom and are available on the CC member's site. All you have to do is type in "Fridge Facts" on the forum search bar, and they will pop up to download. Currently, I only see cycle 1 & 2 available to download. Many families laminate these and hang on their fridge. Mine are stored in a sheet protector and hanging up. I use this for review and really love them!