Week 8 recap gives details of the Bible, history, science, geography, and loop schedule we use. As always, I hope this information is helpful in structuring your upcoming week!
Resource - Foundations of the Bible vol.2 by Driven By Grace

Resource- Story of the World Book 2 | Ch. 31

Activity: Making a compass using a magnet and needle. You can find the instructions on CC Sandbox or this website How To Make A Compass For Kids (rookieparenting.com)
Video: Make your own compass (YouTube). This video helps explain how to make a compass and the science of how it works.
Resource- Learning with Friends Ecology Unit
We learned about the different types of aquatic biomes and then made a craft using the suggestion from Learning with Friends Ecology unit. We made a wetland using clay, dirt, a sponge, and water. Super simple but effective at helping the kids understand the purpose of a wetland.
Video: We watched this video to understand a wetland.
Also, if you are like me and didn't know what an estuary was until this week, then this video will be helpful as well :)
Resources- Wall Maps $10 and LeapFrog Globe
Geography is a subject I continue to forget to review in detail, so I've updated my loop schedule (explaining this next) to including geography on Mondays. We own the LeapFrog globe and use it all the time. It's fun because it shares fun facts about landmarks, capitals, languages, and animals in specific regions. My kids learn so much from the videos on the globe. It's been a great resource for our geography to see if there is an interesting fact for the location we are learning about. This week, we found videos on the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.
We also use the wall maps all the time to help understand where certain stories are taking place in history. They are double-sided and laminated. They are available on Amazon for $10.
Loop Schedule
I wanted to reshare about our loop schedule. I started this schedule last year and it was a game changer for our homeschool. Before, I was trying to cram in all subjects every day, and it was just overwhelming. So, now we rotate our subjects. We do our core (Math, Writing, Reading, LA) every single day. Then we rotate geography, history, and science for a set day of the week. We also sing the CC songs every day for review to cover all subjects.
I got this free download from Brighter Day Press and just edited it myself in Canva.
Baking Fridays
A fun thing we added this year was a baking day! I want to make memories in the kitchen and also improve my baking skills, so we bake on Fridays. We make pizza dough every Friday because that's our pizza & movie night. Then, we make one additional baked good. My kids love it, and we are all learning great life skills! It's also just a fun way to end the week.
Have a great week!
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